e-Signature vs. authorised signatory: Is there a difference? (Survey results)

Recently, we asked the members of the Governance, Risk and Compliance Management (GRC) group on LinkedIn if they were aware of the difference between e-signatures and authorised signatories. Worryingly, according to 12% of respondents, there is “no difference at all” between the two terms whilst 8% believe that there’s no major difference. So, do e-signatures differ from authorised signatories?

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GovernanceStephen Pomfret
Types of authorized signatories

What is an authorized signatory? Simply put, an authorized signatory or signer is a person who’s been given the right to sign documents on behalf of the authorizing organisation. However, the term’s meaning and interpretation seem to vary significantly across different jurisdictions and industries. So, in today’s blog, we’ve put together an overview of some of the most common uses of the term.

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